Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Plymouth>> Mt. Taranaki

I made it to the top of Mt. Taranaki though I was in a cloud at the top and without a view. No worries. The view is not the reason for climbing these mountains. Taranaki was my main focus for coming to New Plymouth so I hit the road today. I set my sights on Mt. Tongariro now. This is the sight in which Mt. Doom from Lord of the Rings was shot. It should be a great adventure.

While in New Plymouth I stayed at a beautiful beachside holiday park in my tent. So much more to report but I must hit the road.

1 comment: said...

Wow, I haven't checked your blog recently enough. The adventure keeps getting better. Maybe you should consider a career with national geographic, the pics are amazing!
How great that martha joined you; looks like you had a great sibling bonding trek through the wilderness.

looking forward to more posts and pics,
