Saturday, January 2, 2010

Avalanche Peak Rain Check

After our stay in Fox Glavier, we hit the road north. We missed our planned destination due to the fact that there was nothing there. So we left the township of Haast with population 62 and are now staying farther north in an animal themed old monistary style backpackers. Lets just say-monkey room last night and elephant room tonight...get excited! We were turned away from Avalanche peak which would have been an 1100 meter vertical climb due to 120km/hr wind gusts. We made the best of it and hit some lower elevation waterfall trails that were completely flooded. We even made up a new word: crail. A trail that is pretty much a creek. We will be having spaghetti for lunch and dinner (and in Smith's case breakfast as well) because we have a HUGE vat of it. As for the rest of our rainey day, we are warm and cozy, clean and showered, and watching "Flight of the Concords", only the best of New Zealands TV.

1 comment:

Lucy said...

Smith and Marfy! I absolutely love all of these pictures from your adventures - I can't wait to hear more stories. Loved loved loved hearing from y'all, you made my New Year's Day!!! much love and be safe miss you two!