Saturday, December 26, 2009

Keplar Track and Te Anua

Eh Mates! Smith and I hiked the first portion of the Keplar Track yesterday after a camp out in Queenstown. It took us about 4 hours in the pouring rain. It was a vigorous workout! 3/4s of it is uphill-can I say burning thighs? It was like hiking through a rain forest-what I imagine Costa Rica to look like. At one point, I felt like I was in an enchanted woods and a little creature should pop out and say hi! The trees were mossy green and there were spots of snow along the top ridge. We made it to the top with a new hiking buddy and slept in a hut with 60 other hikers. It was quite the experience meeting people from all over the world and playing spoons (the card game). The hike down took us about 3 hours, and we immediately found a place to stay because we were exhausted. Tomorrow we wake at 7 in order to whale watch in the sounds. Smith has booked this special adventure-can't wait!

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