Monday, November 30, 2009

Ferry, Thanksgiving, Abel Tasman Hike

South Island Ferry

Thanksgiving feast with the gang.

Just checked in the hotel after 3 days and 2 nights on the trail. When on able tasman hike with 4 friends from mississippi i met in auckland. Beautiful first day, 3 hour kayak followed by 4 hour treck to our first campsite. Then the rain came that night and didnt stop. 6 hour hike the following day. now we are in town and are about to catch the saints v. patriots on monday night (tuesday afternoon) football. pictures to come.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Smith, Love the new pics! How are you liking the South Island? Better than the North? Are you planning on finding another Woof or just hiking and golfing? I cannot tell you how excited I am getting! Only 18 days until I leave!